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Sunday, March 1, 2009

when half of my heart is not well

I have a heart - A one whole heart
I am happy whenever the whole heart is happy
I am sad whenever the whole heart is not happy

But, when part of my heart is sad
I'll be sad too
I can't be happy when there is a little tiny part of my heart is not well

What can I do?
I could only pray to Him to heal the little part
I wish it'll be faster than I thought

I wanna see my whole heart is cheering happiness
I wanna feel the total calmness
I wanna enjoy the pure sweetness

Though my eyes shine like a star
though my lips smirks like a baby moon
my heart can't lie
it is indeed sad when there's tiny little part is not well...

- ramblings of a married woman with 4 kids


nj said...

sounds like a broken heart...
but let it fled
there must be an angel
that could amend that tiny part...

Zahraa George said...

sakit hati ker akak??
as pun tengah sakit hati+bengang+menyampah+macam2..
tapi ada lagi sorg kat rumah as nih yang lagi sakit hati..

Kak Elle said...

keep that heart happy ye?

chekgu Bani Hassim said...

nasib baik hati kite ade satu je kan??
anak-anak kan ade? rasenye bulih jadi pengubat hati kut...
penawar duka dan lara ada pada anak2...

cheryna zamrinor said...

kesian kak neeza...semoga hati cepat sembuh yek!:D

Adry said...

cheer up sis...

pB said...

bakpo hari ahad ni gha'ma pulok hok hati tok brapo nok segar nie ????

Neeza Shahril said...


mine is quite okay.. the other part of mine is not quite..



lebih kurang kes akak kot as..
separuh badan akak tak berapa okay tu.. ;)


Kak Elle,

thanks kakak..



memang itulah penawar duka lara chekgu..



akak pun harap hati itu pulih sepenuhnya..



thanks Adry..


Kak pb,

symptom hari ahad kot.. ;)

maklang said...

banyak2 doa untuk pulihkan hati...

moga cepat terubat..take care!

Tie said...

Oh gitu rupanya...

Cepat2lah gi berubat hati yang separuh lagi...takut terjangkit pulak , hu hu....

Neeza Shahril said...


thanks.. harap2nya macam tu la.. :)


Kak Tie,

begitulah kak Tie.. semoga ia cepat sembuh.. :)

Jie said...

kalau kaca pecah terhempas, berdenting2 bunyi boleh kita dengar.

tapi bila hati remuk berderai, senyap sunyi je kan?

take care neeza

Neeza Shahril said...

Kak Jie,

betul kak jie.. sebab tu lah kita kena jaga supaya hati tu tak remuk berderai sebab kita tak akan nampak bila ia dah remuk...

l i e y n said...

kak neeza...saya pun mmg selalu having this kind of illness but don't know how to let it out!kemam je le...i think i should tell the person who did this to me but i can't, i know there will be no solution....what to do!!!

maza said...

laaa...kenapa tak gi jumpa doktor?

elok gi tengokan hati tu, karang jadi bengkak hati! susah lak kang...

bila dah bengkak lambat laun boleh kena barah wooo....ish ish ishk..

tapi sekali sekala makan hati best gak apa! Kat msia ni, siap org jual hati..hati ayam


Neeza Shahril said...


akak pun tak dapat buat apa-apa.. berdoa sajalah sebab kita tak berkuasa untuk mengubah perangai orang kan Lieyn.. all the best :)



kalau hati bengkak, mesti lagi besar, bertambahlah beratnya.. kalau jual, sure lagi mahal kan.. hahahah!!


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