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Thursday, March 5, 2009

I hope He reads my letter today

My Dear,

I'm in a midst of making a quite important decision. I asked him. I asked her. I asked them. Nobody could convince me what's the right thing to do. I was thinking and analyzing everything that was related to the matter. I tried to outweigh the good over the bad. It seems not enough. I need a firm voice to tell me whether to proceed or not to proceed.

Perhaps to some, the issue is trivial. Yet, it is crucial to me. It would affect many things in my life. A wrong decision would cost a lot. I don't want to regret for making a wrong choice. Since I am the one who needs to decide, the blame will go on me if something undesirable happen in the future. Of course, nobody would want anything bad to occur at all.

Now, my mind is still evaluating. Should I proceed or should I not? Will he blame me if it turns out that my judgment is not good enough? Will he be mad at me if I overlook on something? Will he penalize me if unfavorable circumtances occur? Will he? I don't want to think that he will. I hope he will not.

Whether I like it or not, I still have to come with an answer. A wise one. I'm seeking Your help so that the answer is justice to everyone who is affected. I also hope that my verdict will turn to be good and benefit to all. Please my Dear. Give me guidance. If I ever need to make any kind of judgment today, please and please be with me and help me.

Thank you my Dear... I know You are always there for me.


Mak Teh said...

Perkara yang harus dilakukan dalam keadaan begini ialah melakukan solat Istikharah. Berdoa. Kemudian anda akan mendapat pertunjuk. Setelah itu buat keputusanlah dan berserahlah kepadaNYA. Apa yang berlaku selepas itu semuanya elok untuk anda dengan izin dan kehendakNYA. Insya-Allah!

:: Leeza Joe :: said...

kak neeza...
ape yg "memberat" tu...betul komen makteh tu...istikharah sblm membuat desicion dlm hidup...setiap manusia diberikan ujian yg berbeza dari-Nya.... semoga akak terus sabar..tabah..cekal...amin...:)

Kak Elle said...

I agree with mak teh and whatever decision to be made its better to ask someone too.

kuIna said...

sukarnya utk buat pilihan kan... dpatkn pandangan org & dekatkn dgn tuhan.. InsyaAllah

drNO said...

mmm..it sounds a bit melancholy.
if u need to talk, i'm here. just YM me anytime.

nadinezuharra said...

haah,ape ye yang tersirat di fikiran kak neeza..tak dapat baca la..yg faham,situasi membuat pilihan..hmm,anyway,good luck n all da best..

maza said...

"Nobody has plan to fail but almost everybody is failed to plan"

Sometimes it is hard to make a right decision..

But don't worry; it is a part and parcel of our beautiful life.

Life is full of subjective matters...
Hence, it is our task to turn it becomes an objective goal. Thus a clear message to response upon a subject matter.

In other word, delivering a crystal clear picture which is we knew how to march forward, and know what next to do!

Though we need help include a simple advise from the ground, yet it is not reflecting that we are a dumped person. Only retard person would be saying that!

This ambiguous is normal in decision making process. At this stage we are trying to find the right tune..

Its ok to ask other opinion; a second opinion, before make a final justification... Sometime it is crucial to have a great supportive thinking from our half...

Primeval, forget not to this word, Duit: Doa, Usaha, Ikhtiar, Tawakal...

My 20 cent advise...

... Blizzard Bizzaire ...


chekgu Bani Hassim said...

mintak tlg dariNya...
petunjuk dariNya merupakan pertolongan paling baik...
paling tepat...

Neeza Shahril said...

Mak Teh,

Insyaallah Mak Teh.. cumanya sekarang belum boleh untuk solat tu..
Semoga Allah bagi petunjuk..



ni ujian untuk membuat pilihan.. tersalah pilih takut menyesal kemudian hari..


Kak Elle,

very few people yang ada knowledge pasal pilihan neeza ni...



hanya Allah tempat mengadu nampaknya...



it's a bit personal.. I'll buzz you when the time comes :)



its just me dear.. sometimes, something could be so secretive.. to myself alone..



thanks maza for the wonderful advice. I really appreciate it.

ada orang yang kita perlukan for the advice tapi tak mampu untuk bagi advice yang boleh settle the problem..

cumanya, boleh la consider here and there.. that helps a lot I guess.. :)



itulah yang akak cuba buat.. tulis surat untukNya.. :)

Zahraa George said...

Keputusan untuk kebaikan dua pihak,"He" & "You"...memang memeningkan..

Kalau kita salah buat pilihan,takut kena blame..
tapi kalau kita tak buat pilihan,kita gak yang terpaksa hadapi..
Maybe "He" will follow jer any decision dari 'You"...

kita kena yakin,percaya dan tekad dengan apa jua pilihan kita
sekali melangkah,teruskan melangkah :)

(tah apa2 yang ditulis as nih.ayat pening semua nih :P )

Tie said...

Eloklah kiranya dapat berbincang dengannya sebelum berbuat sebarang keputusan. Kerana hasilnya tentu akan memberi kesan terhadap orang yang terdekat. InsyaAllah...it will be okay....:)

Neeza Shahril said...


dah dekat dah tu maksudnya.. ;)
Insyaallah.. semoga akak dapat buat keputusan yang tepat.. atau hampir tepat :)


Kak Tie,

berbincang kadang2 temui jalan buntu jugak.. tapi boleh jugak la membantu kan..


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