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Saturday, April 18, 2009

An evening in Al Ferdos Sector

We were here yesterday evening. We came here last week. We never knew about this place until 'someone' secretly came (re secretly: came without his family ;) but his friends :0) and discovered the horse race here. I'm not sure the horse race has got to do with $$$$ or just a race for fun. I hope it's the latter.

The kids went for horse riding last week. They loved it. Then, we noticed there were ATV (all terrain vehicle) too. They didn't go for it. Yesterday, they went for ATV. They loved it even more. We purposely asked them to ride on the same ATV because Coan was scared to ride the thing by herself. But after looking at kakak did it, we asked them to swap. Then Coan had a little bit of confidence. Next week, they wanted to ride individually. No more sharing. They don't lile horse riding anymore (ye la.. bukan diorang yang ride pun.. kena tarik dengan orang yang jaga tu.. mana lah diorang reti tunggang kuda pun :P. Macam horse sitting lah sebenarnya sebab duduk aje atas horse tu hehee..).

Shahmey didn't care for those. Perhaps he realized that he is way way too small for those (nasib baik dia tak melalak nak naik jugak.. kalau tidak Abah lah kena ambik ATV besar bawak dia hehee..). Instead of riding the bigger kids stuff, he had fun with the below stuff (tak tahu lah apa ke nama benda tu..). At first he was alone. Then, a friendly saudi girl came to join him.

Hey! Another kid! (I have 4 kids mind you.. hehehh). Sumeyyah, was with the bibik at first. She cried for milk later. That fulfilled her satisfaction I guess huhuuu...

Overall, it was fun for the kids but not fo Ummi... uuwwwaaa!!!! Nak lah naik ATV jugak.. Kena pergi desert kot baru best and syok. Kat tempat ni, takde pompuan pun naik. Pompuan kecik ada lah (budak2 laaa). Dah lah spectator lelaki arab tak bertauliah ramai. Diorang ni bukan boleh tengok pompuan.. eeeee...


Atikah said...

Best tgk anak2 neeza naik ATV tu... org dewasa blh naik tak tu? he.. he...

cheryna zamrinor said...

best...aunty sha nak ikut jugak boleh! sob...sob...sob...

Anonymous said...

Ooo...best betul ronda2... Kak tie tak pernah naik ATV tu, takut gak !!

Zahraa George said...

bestnyerrrr.....teringin nak naik benda alah nih..hehe
nnti nak kena pi naik gak lah..tapi tah nak naik kat mana tahnyer :P
kalau tak bleh tunggang,nak naik duduk pun jadilah..kikiki..

**penakut jugak yer si coan tu..hiksssss..ingat kan takut hantu jer..hehe

silversarina said...

Bestlah naik ATV tu, pandai pulak budak2 berdua pandu ATV tu , nanti every weeklah melawat Al Ferdos ni :)

Geramnya akak tengok Syahmey tu, pandai main , happy sangatlah tu..nak cubit je rasa .

MommYaLif said...

ohhh..this is definately interesting n fun!Aritu semasa tengok horse race, nampak budak laki aje naik ATV..tulah tak singgah. thanks.

Mak Teh said...


Bagus bawa anak-anak keluar main-main dan jalan-jalan while they are still young. They will remember it for the rest of their lives ( yang berumur 5 tahun keataslah )

Jaga jangan kasi shahmey jatuh lagi. You know the middle child always gets less attention. I had gone through that!

Raihah Rosli said...

best nye Sophea n Coan...
Kalo la sy yg dpt naik ATV tu tgh2 tensen cm tu... msti best... dpt release tensen dgn bwk lju2...huhu

Shahmey sgt comey :)

Sally said...

waaa..bestnyer..seems the kids had fun!!

Neeza Shahril said...


ada ATV besar untuk orang dewasa tapi so far nampak men aje naik. Takde pulak ladies.. hehe..



jom la aunty Sha.. ;)
jangan nanges ye... :D


Kak Tie,

neeza pun tak pernah lagi. TAk jatuh Kak Tie sebab roda 3 hehe..



jom lah.. tapi kita kena carik yang kat desert. Kat situ macam tak sesuai untuk pompuan :P.

Coan tu memang cam tu. Bila dah confidence sikit baru dia naik berani naik sendiri..


Kak RIna,

senang je kak.. neeza tengok lah hehe.. main tekan aje kat handle tu.. hahaha!! pepandai aje neeza..

Shahmey tu nak main tapi cepat bosan.. sian budak arab tu tak dapat nak main lama ngan dia..


Kak CT,

ingatkan you all dah pergi since you told me that you watched the horse race. memang sakan seronok bebudak tu kak.. pergi lah bawak the kids.. :)


Mak Teh,

pstt.. Shahmey ni dapat lebih attention sebab dia the only boy.. cumanya dia tu tak lalu dok diam..

kami akan lebih careful lepas ni..



kalau akak pun gitu Raihah.. press kuat2 kan huhuuu..



they surely did!! nak pergi every week tuuu.. :)

l i e y n said...

kalau saya mesti yang excited nak naik gak!!!
tapi pompuan besar tak boleh naik ekkk?
sedey :(

chekgu Bani Hassim said...

akak try la naik atv tu...
biar org arab tgk akak cam nk telan...hehe...

org arab ni menakutkan btol...

Neeza Shahril said...


bukan tak boleh tapi tak digalakkan.. kalau nak jugak, kena pergi tempat lain sikit.. situ ramai arab lelaki yang akan juling mata kalau tengok pompuan..



hehehe.. takpelah chekgu.. kalau akak nak naik, akak pergi desert nanti.. :)


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