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Sunday, July 19, 2009

The longest journey ever

We're back to our nest. We reached home at 3am on 18 July. It is good to be home but it was also good to get chances eating various kinds of local fruits. Arrghh!!! I missed them. I missed durian, rambutan, pulasan and mangoesteen. Not to forget cempedak. Dapat makan 2 ulas je hari tu. Tak puas.. *sigh*

The journey home was quite a horrible one though. Alhamdulillah, we arrived home safe and sound. Let me put it as - things happen for reasons or at least a reason (back to the fitrah).

I can't do much of blogging as the house or rather the kids need me more than everything else. I may bloghop when the time allows like when I'm doing something that require me to sit down (read: breastfeeding for example heheh..)

Thank you to all friends who have left comments on my previous entries. I'm not able to reply those comments yet. I'm so really sorry. I'm sorry too for not being able to meet those friends whom I planned to meet. Kind of frustrated indeed. But, having too little time with too many things to be done, usually will give that kind of expected outcome :). I hope my dear friends would understand. InsyaAllah, next time ya...


Nurul Nadiah said...

take ur time sis
pelok cium to all ur child
rindu pulak nak tgk update diorang


take care sis

cikMilah said...

tak perr.. pelan-pelan kayuh....

Mulan said...

seronok dapat jumpa neeza.. tima kasih jemput kami tu hari.. kejap tapi amat bermakna.. lenkali jumpa lagi ek.. insyA..

maza said...

akhirnya, balik juga ekau yo. huhuhu

welcome back sis... welcome back..

we all over here waiting your vacation on balik kampung report.. hehehe

silversarina said...

Walaupun letih tapi hati mesti teramat gembira dapat balik kampung kan .... akak called neeza on the 17th tapi neeza dah terbang pulang.... kini terasa neeza semakin jauh dari kami di kemaman..jauh di mata dekat di hati, tahun depan InsyaAllah ada rezeki kita jumpa lagi.

zino said...

dah balik rupanya... tentu banyak yg nak di ceritakan nanti tu... bila ada kelapangan le jawab nya hehe

Abang Long said...

Selamat kembali ke tanah gersang.

kuIna said...

syukur lah dah selamat smpai ke negara pasir berdengung tu...

get rest ...

Neeza Shahril said...


update diorang tak tahu lah bila.. blog sendiri macam nak terbengkalai je.. ;)


Kak Cik,

nak kayuh pun tak larat.. hehee..



sorry sesangat sebab tak dapat layan sepenuhnya. dengan anak2 buat perangainya.. sabar je la kan.. InsyaAllah.. kita jumpa lagi.. :)



report macam agak kelambatan lah rasanya.. rumah ni macam lepas kena ribut taufan je gayanya hahaa!!


Kak Rina,

mungkin neeza dah tukar sim card masa tu..

takpe kak.. kita jauh di mata tapi masih boleh baca cerita masing-masing kan.. InsyaAllah..



ni neeza jawab comment ni tak lapang jugak.. buat 2 kerja dalam 1 masa.. hehe..


Abang Long,

tanah gersang tapi penuh hikmah.. InsyaAllah..



pasir saujana mata memandang.. hehehee...

thanks :)


cheryna zamrinor said...

windu bangat sama kak neeza...!!!!
sha happy dpt bace posting kak neeza akhirnye..yeeayyy...maybe lepas nieh kena spend time bace posting macam dulu2...

Mother of Two said...

kak neeza dah kembali ke negara padang pasir berdegung ker... welcome back..pas nie buat entry byk cerita makan buah ok..:)

tulipurple said...

berehatlah dulu ek sis...dah kembali cargas,wat n3 byk2 kay..miss ur ramblings..hehe,mungkinkah kita kan bertemu di padang passiaq nun...huhu :)

l i e y n said...

Kak Neeza....
apsal tak panggil saya masa dtg KPTM...
saya mmg dah ready nak belanja akak steamboat kat johnny's..
anyway, take ur time...

cm said...

rehat banyak-banyak...
lepastu buat report pasal balik kampung....mesti banyak nak diceritakan..

maklang said...

Jaga diri baik2 ye...


Anonymous said...

dah balik sana dah...........

pB said...

happy blogging, again

Mak Teh said...

Alhamdulillah! Dah selamat sampaipun kat sana. Insya-Allah di masa hadapan kita akan berjumpa lagi.


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