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Friday, October 23, 2009

A heart of a mom

Many of my friends know the fact that I breastfeed to 2 toddlers - 2 1/2 years and 8 months. A few of them told me to put a stop for Shahmey (2 1/2 years). I tried but I failed. I know I wasn't diligent enough in doing it. Of course, I could give several reasons for not being able to deter Shahmey from breastfeeding.

There were a few ways suggested but none seems to be appropriate as Summeyah is breastfeeding at the same time. A friend told me, after the age of 2 years, the milk become poisonous (gives harm) to my kid. Frankly, I don't know the truth of it. Is there any Quranic verse of even hadith about it? If there is, I'll be more persistent in stopping Shahmey then. I don't want to give something bad to my child.

Deep down in my heart, I have an intention to discontinue Shahmey but a heart of a mom says NO. Last night, Shahmey was breastfeeding and at the same time Sumeyyah was crying. I guess she required extra attention (kinda no sharing please!!!). I had to bring Shahmey to his own room. I could hear his loud crying "Nak Ummi!!!" for some moment. A guilty concious overwhelmed myself. As soon as Summeyyah fell asleep, I rushed to the kids' room. I opened the door and asked Shahmey to come with me. He was so excited when I held him and brought him to my room. He quietly told me, "Ami tak nak tidur bibik... Ami nak Ummi..". I cried deep inside.

I know I have to be strong but dealing with the situation that I went through last night didn't make me any stronger. I am a weak mom. Am I?


Abang Long said...

Hati seorang ibu. Itu bukannya lemah tapi bergantung kepada situasi

silversarina said...

Try kurangkan kekerapan pemberian susu badan pada Shahmey dalam sehari dan pada masa yang sama bagi dia minum susu dalam cawan waktu kakak2 berdua tu pun minum sama, mungkin dia akan minum sama .

Harap neeza sabar dan tabah ,melayan dua anak kecil yang hampir sebaya memang lah amat mencabar .

Kamarul n Hartini said...

Saya bangga n kagum ngan akak sbb mampu kasi khasiat Susu ibu kpd anak2 akak wpun dah lebih 2 thn. Bukan semua org mampu buat mcm tu termasuk la saya, tp saya sedang berusaha ni. Doakan sya berjaya ea :)

cheryna zamrinor said...

errrr...susahnya. teringat kat ibu yang dulunya ada anak macam shahmey (tp bukan adik sha yang shahmi tuh, adik sha sorang lagi). kuat sangat minum susu sampai sakit2 puting ibu. badan pon lembik sebab nak keje, nak nyusukan anak.

sha tak ingat camne dia buat, rasanya dia letak jadam. tp bila adik sha nangis, dia akan nangis jugak. itu yang tak tahan tuh.

tp akhirnya adik berenti jugak.
satu je sha perasan, dia tak reti lawan cakap ibu...pastu suka sangat cium ibu. sampai besar. skang umo dah 20.

aNIe said...

Neeza...akak tak tau lah tapi ada orang cakap...susu yang ada tu hak anak yang kecil...kalau yang besar dah minum nanti yang kecil kekurangan susu...tapi akak ni tak lah arif sgt tentang ni...sebab tak pernah pun membaca apa2 tentang baik atau tidak susu ibu pada anak yang dah melebihi 2 tahun...

chekgu Bani Hassim said...

berebut perhatian ni...

camne ek?
naluri ibu tu mmg susah nak dipertikaikan...
sini syg, sana sayang..
semua pun syg...

you are not worth it to fight for.... said...

Please visit http://youarenotmylexapro.blogspot.com/

l i e y n said...

sedih le kak neeza...

Drama Mama said...

ada baca kat certain blogs ibu2 yang takdak halangan untuk menyusu lebih 2 tahun, tapi saya ada dengar ustazah fatimah azz-zahra eh? yang macam arab tu tapi cakap melayu (slang arab) on Tv aritu, dia cakap after 2 years susu dah tak berkhasiat. dia use ayat Quran yang ada cakap menyusu lah samapi anak 2 tahun, so dia cakap after 2 years tu patut dah stop tapi saya tak berapa ignat la point yang dia bagi tu. maybe bole tanya orang2 yang lebih arif.

saya pon tak tahu plak sebab saya pun bf anak sekejap sangat. apa2 pon, all the best ya.

Pootz in Boots said...

Salaam, Neeza. I did tandem breastfeeding as well. I had a baby when the elder sister was less than 2 years old. I tandem breastfed the children until the older one was 2y3m old. She stopped by herself. If you are a full time mother, I don't think u should stop until the older child is ready to let go. But as for me, I needed to store milk so it may not be enough for the little one. I persuaded the elder one by only saying softly that she needs to stop because baby needs the milk and she only has the milk to feed on whereas kakak can eat other foods and drink other drinks. It sanked in gradually. Alhamdulillah I had enough milk for my babies. I am still breastfeeding the little one who is now 15 months old.
The milk you produced now is only suitable for your 8 month old baby but it is not in any way harmful to the older child. The Quran says 2 years is the "Complete Period of Breasfeeding". Anything more than that is no longer obligatory but is not wrong so long as it does not deprive the right of the younger child. Wallahualam.


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