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Monday, March 1, 2010

A life without soul

Have you ever live your life without your soul? Perhaps it's not really like your soul is totally out of you. If that's the case, then we would call it as die.

This morning, I felt like my soul was far away from me. I was like a robot. I did my routine just like every other days. I was in the kitchen, preparing the meal for the kids just like usual. The different was, my soul wasn't with me. When it happened, I was not happy. I didn't enjoy life the way I should. To paraphrase it, a problem appears out of the blue and I don't like it.

When a favor is treated as a right, some hearts would hurt. Sometimes, we are giving a favor or may be favors to some people and at the end the people treat the favors as their right. When we pull the favor once, the people become angry. Of course the people who gets hurt is the one who gave the favor in a first place.

To talk it over is not an easy thing to do especially when there are certain restrictions over the matter. It would create huge disagreement and finally it will become a fight. Let's not get our life into trouble. Stay away from fighting. However, if we don't reconcile, matters left unsettled. One party continues with dissapointment and the other party would get away with it.

That was what happened to me. I know this is not an easy thing and this is not the first time it happens. Yucks!!! I simply hate it. My only way to ease the cloud mind is to think that there's always hikmah for anything that happen. One of the hikmah is, Allah would take away my bad deeds by having me go through troubles. Unhappineness will brush away my bad deeds provided I took it with redha. Alhamdulillah. Of course, I can't complain and take it negatively. Otherwise, none of my bad deeds will be gone. This life is short and the life after is eternity. So, let's focus on the hereafter than worry about this temporary life.

Oh Allah, please give me a peaceful mind...


Mulan said...

hhmmm... pernah jadi...

zino said...

tak mungkin dapat memuaskan hati semua orang tapi keputusan perlu juga di buat..

silversarina said...

Life is life , as long as we are still breathing , life never fails to test us .... hang on and keep on going , like you said, semuanya ada hikmah di sebalik apa yang berlaku ... take care dear!

aNIe said...

Neeza...segala yang berlaku ada hikmahnya...percayalah...dan segala apa yang terjadi ada jalan penyelesaiannya...tapi kalau dibiarkan ia takkan selesai...

Semoga segalanya dipermudahkan buat neeza...take care

Kaktiny said...

redha dan sabar... that's the best medicine ever... surah ali imran: ayat 200.

langit takkan sentiasa cerah.. ribut takkan berpanjangan.. pelangi hanya persinggahan.. suria kan terbit setelah taufan berlalu..

kembalikan segalanya kepada Allah.. hati akan lebih tenang walau dlm keadaan tegang..
(tgh motivasikan diri sendiri nih)...

madina said...

Byk2 ingat Allah. Berzikir, baca quran, solat2 sunat. Pesanan utk diri sendiri gak.


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