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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

tak suka rumah..

Masjid Sultan Ahmad Shah - Kuantan

Yes, it was hard to swallow when my girl told us she doesn't like to stay at home. She plans to sleep over at her friend's house. I saw her took some clothes for changing, this morning. I told her she is not allowed to go. She was upset. My husband asked her why she wanted to sleep over. She anwered, tak best duduk rumah.

What made she said that. What is about home that disgusted her. Is it home or is it the people inside the home. I tried to be rationalized before burst into tears. I asked her, "tak sayang ummi ke? tak sayang abah ke?" Her answers were all "sayang..". Habis tu, kenapa kata tak suka duduk rumah? Quiet...

She told us how she amazed her friend's house. How great the decoration of her friend's room was. However, she did complain about the food served during dinner. Vegetables! She never likes veges. After doing some little thinking, I concluded... everyone would once in a while need fresh air, going to some places new and enjoy having a different environment. It's not about do not like her house but it's about wants to breakfree of the routine. I persuaded her by stressing on the food serve. She wouldn't want to eat veges. She'll be hungry by sleeping over there. I guess that made her feel better ;).


Mulan said...

kids memang camtu.. suka nak sleepover tp kendian nak balik rumah sendiri jgk..

Anonymous said...

umm...mmg sedih... rasa mcm teruk sgt kan bila ank komplin itu ini tentang rumah sendiri... tapi kena kuatkan semangat tau kak.... ada lah yg tak kena tu ~

l i e y n said...

kalau saya, saya pun sedih. irfan pernah buat perangai taknak blk umah, nk dok umah nenek je. i wonder why gak...n bila kitaorg suruh tinggal umah nenek dia, dia meraung taknak plak. ntah le, ikut mood dia je!!

Neeza Shahril said...


tu la.. nak je bagi dia sleepover lelama tapi risau gak sebab tak berapa kenal parents kawan dia tu..



dulu masa mula2 pindah sini dia suka je.. lama2 dia bosan.. mungkin kalau duduk lama2 sangat rumah kawan dia pun dia bosan kot..



kadang2 diorang ni nak lari dari routine.. kat rumah sendiri, semua expected.. kat rumah orang macam adventurous sikit kot kan..


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