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Saturday, January 24, 2009

R & R continues..

I'm not sure what R&R stands for, honestly speaking (biarlah orang kata hulu pun...). Some says Rehat & Rawat. Yet, when they translated it to English, it becomes Rest and Relax (am I right?). Rawat is not Rest. Am I missing something?

Whatever it is, I still need Rehat & Rawat (R&R) at the moment. To rest and recuperate myself for a few more days. I'll be sitting for a Feqah exam this Wednesday. Some readings and memorizing need to be done.

To update, my little Sumeyyah is recovering from the mild jaundice. Perhaps, regular breastfeeding and exposing her to white lights for almost 24 hours a day helped a lot, Insyaallah. I feel much better after 10 days of operation though my walking phase is still a bit slow. Alhamdulillah and thanks again for doa from all dear friends.

Besides the R&R thingy, I still bloghop when I really really have nothing else to do (too much sleep is not good for me either). It's great to read stories (I love news in a story form heheheh..).

I think I should stop now for my breakfast. Or else, my body would start shivering.. bye for now. Take care everyone.


أم الليث said...

kakak sophea and coan banyak menolong akak tak?

tak salah nak blogging time pantang. bukannya suatu kerja yg berat ngehehe! dulu masa Layth kecik2, aliya duduk depan komputer je sambil menyusu sbb bosan bila asyik breastfeeding je sepanjang masa hehehe.

selamat ber-R&R!

p/s yeah, me never knew what it meant either. just meant tempat rehat kat tengah highway :p

Kak Elle said...

kalau saya R&R is Rest&Recreation atau rest and rest untuk Neeza supaya cepat sembuh.

Alhamdulillah baby nya jaundice improving.

take care ye neeza.

silversarina said...

Exam ambil kat rumah ke kena pergi kelas jugak ?

rehat mesti rehat hingga dah pulih dan sihat sepenuhnya.

chekgu Bani Hassim said...

saye baru tau akak dah meletop dah..
igt akak tgh preggie lagik...

akak kene ubah sket profile tu, ummi for 3 org anak akak plus sumeyyah too...

happy resting ye kak!

zino said...

R&R tu rehat dan relak.. tak payah fikir nak buat kerja ke apa.. take it easy..

:: Leeza Joe :: said...

silalah R&R sepuas2nyer... nnt nak pi exam plak... exam feqah masuk bab tang air jer..wuduk..tayamum.. cikgu dh bg soalan bcor daaa..hehhehe

Neeza Shahril said...


diorang tolong bila disuruh aje. Kalau tak suruh, tak buat pun. TApi kalau suruh pegang adik, masing2 laju aje.. cumanya.. malam sikit akak nak bagi diorang pegang hehehe..

betul jugak kan Aliya.. akak pun macam gatal nak menulis aje ni hehee..


Kak Elle,

betul jugak kan kak Elle.. all this while panggil R&R je.. :)
thanks kak..


Kak Rina,

exam kena pergi kelas kak.. takpe, Insyallah okay tu..
thanks Kak Rina



hehehe.. akak baru tukar semalam.. tambah nama sumeyyah sekali.. cuma gambar belum tukar. Kena ambik gambar elok2 sikit.. :)



rehat tu sama je kan dengan relax.. hmmm
tengah rehat ni.. exercise jari je hehe..



Alhamdulillah.. tak banyak masuk. time kasih bagi soalan bocor..
anyway, kalau tak study takleh jugak kan ;)

nurie said...

Yang penting rehatkan kepala akak tu...jgn serabut sgt. Lagipun dh nak exam...buat yg tmampu aje, selain tu doa dan tawakal k. Take care & Gd luck for the exam.


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