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Sunday, March 29, 2009

She has it all!

Yes. Everything is due to her. I should put the blame on her. I was so sleepy this morning in my class. I felt like sitting on the back row and go zzzz but of course it can't be done. I didn't have enough sleep last night. I had to wake up every now and then for her.

Last night, I thought I was going to have fever. My body temperature seems a bit towards at the high end. I rested besides her. I thought of taking a long nap before a real sleep hehee.. She cried though. I fed her but she kept crying. I knew what she wanted - a nappy change. She never like to be stained inside :). I changed her nappy and fed her again. She slept well. Alhamdulillah.

But, after sometimes, she woke up. Hungry I guess. True enough. Then she woke up - hungry again. Then, I was the one who have to wake up. But I chose to sleep. Luckily I didn't exceed the time.

During the day, she wanted me to be with her - to cuddle and play with her. She preferred to stay awake during the day when the Ummi needed a sleep so badly.

Above all, I love her. She is my angel like the 3 other angels in the house. She flatters me with her smile - a true and honest smile. She calms me with her baby smell - my sorrow day changes in a second. She is my heart and she has it all... (of course the other 3 have it all too ;))


zura aini said...

waaaaaaa dah besar baby sumeyyah, dah nakal ye, malam2 berjaga pulak dia.

noniey said...

tapi bila anak2 dah besar, mesti kita akan rindu saat2 bangun malam2 sebab nak menyusu dia kan..hehehe

zino said...

dah semakin comel dia..

Cat Cat said...

Tembam ya baby... Can cubit or not..??? :D

:: Leeza Joe :: said...

sebijik muke mr shahril...anak bapak nihhh....ibu2 yg ade anak kecil kene byk sabor... mmg x ckp tdo..byk2 sabor yerrr...^_*

maza said...

erk! dah boleh berbesan dgn den nie ha!

den tau ekau setuju jo kan...tapi laki ekau tu ha?!


madina said...

Byk pahala k neeza. Byk2 bersabar and be a strong mummy, insya-Allah.

Kak Elle said...

dah besar dah nakal sikit ye...mlm ni tido ye ummi pun nak tido gak...haha

Anonymous said...

salam akak

dah makin tembam baby sumeyyah ni gigit pp bole :)

drNO said...

comel...dh besar..

my babies, suma mmg jenih kurang tido. mlm asyik jaga je. mmg siang letih kita ni, mengantuk, sakit blkg.
but their comelness, n nakalness, menyejukkan hati. kn.

hidayah said...

comelnya.. ikut muka abah dia ek :)

Tie said...

Wah...sikit lagi tak menang tanganlah Neeza, bila dah dapat kaki tentu lagi ligat ummi bersilat..kih kih...!!

l i e y n said...

hr tu sumeyyah mcm coan..ni nampak mcm sophea plak...takpe2 kita tunggu dia besar lagi, mcm muka sape plak...

Adry said...

waa... comelnya... besar da... tak rasa la...

Adry @ http://www.adrysabry.com

kuIna said...

semakin tome lah anak dara tu..

ckLah @xiiinam said...

emmmmm...dah lama tak cium aroma baby.....

memeluk dan mencium baby...sesungguhnya satu terapi minda. Sungguh!!!!

aNIe said...

Neeza...kita ni camaner penat dan letih pun...tapi bila tengok anak kecil tu sengeh2..senyum2 kat kita...hilang sudah rasa penat tu...

Dan besar dah nampaknya baby sumeyyah...comel plak tu

Mak Teh said...

Comel sangat! Buat Tok Teh geraaamm je. Bila nak mai rumah tok teh ni?

Ada iras wajah anak mak teh Lia semasa baby terutama yang senyum terbaring tu. ( Ni mesti bapa dia ada DKK ni. Jangan marah ye! )


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