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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Something worth to know :)

Yesterday, we had a first aid session in the dakwah centre. Besides the usual procedure like what to do if your kids had a fever and a few other stuff, we also listened to a very good tips. According to our ustazah, somebody have done some research on the matter. They have summarized the findings on a piece of paper. Below is what we have received from the dakwah centre.

The Prophet as a Doctor

In his lifetime, the Prophet had recommended some things to be taken in greater quantities that the others. These then turned out to become the medicine for true mUslims, as the foods suggested are full of Shifa and act as remedy for so many mishaps that may occur.

  1. Honey

    1. It consists of sucrose, fructose, vitamins, proteins and natural salts
    2. It is antiseptic, cough depressant and a natural source of instant energy
    3. It increases immunity against infectious diseases and reduces allergies by suppressing the sensitivity system
    4. It can be used as a treatment for stomach indigestion and intestinal related diseases, wounds, cuts and burns, pimples and zits including eczema.
    5. Treatment for Diarrhea: one glass of water with 2 tbsp of honey

  2. Dates

    1. It is anti-poisonous and a good source of iron (Good for Anemic people)
    2. Treats Jaundice
    3. Dosage: seven should be taken every morning, if it is not possible three or five (try to take in odd umbers). Aajwa dates are recommended.
    4. Strengthens heart, nervous system and brain
    5. Balances cholesterol levels
    6. In 100g of dates, there are 214 calories, 2g protein, 24g of carbohydrates (starch), 75.4g potassium, 63.9g calcium, 1.61g Iron, 58.9g Magnesium, Sulfur and fiber.

  3. Black Seeds

    1. It has also been mentioned in the Bible
    2. Healing of many diseases usually taken in odd numbers preferably seven at a time.
    3. Can be used to treat respiratory oriented diseases such as ashtma and respiratory infections.
    4. Also helpful for indigestion, Flatulence (accumulation of gases), Aerophagy (informally known as burps).
    5. It kills off any parasitic worms that may be present in the intestine or stomach region.
    6. Regulates mentrual flow.

  4. Olive Oil

    1. Can be used as a moisturizer since it has soothing and healing qualities.
    2. Best for any colon (intestinal) cancer
    3. In Japan, for colon cancer, people treat themselves with olive oil and figs.
    4. It also decreases cholesterol levels, so should be used as a substitute for normal cooking oil in food
    5. Also cures ulcers in mouth and revives memory. Food for arthritis and strokes
    6. If 1 tbsp is taken for a couple of days at night, any worms will be flushed out
    7. Lightens face, making it glow and look fresh.

  5. Barley

    1. It is anti-depressant and energizing
    2. It strengthens the heart and lowers blood pressure
    3. Consumption: porridge should be prepared in milk and taken with honey in times of sickness.

  6. Water

    1. Best remedy for treating fever (a body shower is recommended as a cure)
    2. Cleanses and revives the inner body system
    3. It is un-substitutable and is the basic need of life. Consuming Zamzam is eve better


Kak Elle said...

nampak nya aunty nurse dah kena pencen lah....hehehe

DBI said...

salam neeza..
entry nyer hampir sama ngan dbi punya..dbi kan ulas salah satu dari senarai tu...
hahahaha..lambat sikitlah tapinya..

noniey said...

madu tu memang bagus. tapi susah nak cari yang asli. sebab ada orang cakap, kalau makan yang tak asli, bleh rosak hati.. tak tau lah betul ke tak...

:: Leeza Joe :: said...

bagus info nihhh....madu kat rumah ni pon ade sebalang lg...kurma pun ade... myk zaitun tu slalu gak guna utk masak...mcm black seeds kene p beli...InsyaAllah blh apply dlm kehidupan harian..:)

maza said...


Asam kecut
Asam Jawa

tak termasuk ke neeza?


Insaflah said...

Semalam seorang Ustaz tegur. Ramai yang minat siri Jejak Rasul. Tapi tak ramai yang ikut sunnah rasul.

Mak Teh said...

Info yang Neeza beri ini sangat bagus.

Di sekolah mak teh, kami beri anak-anak makan kismis setiap pagi, kurma sewaktu tiap berbuka puasa, madu lebah tulen sehari 2 kali, dan air kosong wajib di bawa bekal ke kelas dan ke setiap aktiviti kokurikulum.

Pak haji makan olive oil, habattussaudak dan juice kurma untuk kesihatan.

Nota: apabila menceduk madu jangan guna sudu besi, guna sudu plastik atau kayu. Nak tau kenapa, kenalah Neeza buat research lagi.

Jie said...

bab air tu perit nk suruh anak2 minum...selalu ckp..dia tahu badan perlukan air yg banyak tapi tak nak juga minum..kena suruh baru nak.

Neeza Shahril said...

Kak Elle,

eh!! masih diperlukan la kak elle.. ada emergency, auntie nurse is really in need... :)



Eh! sama ke? kalau ulas satu2 lagi bagus.. neeza ni cuma tulis balik apa yang neeza dapat.. tapi tak reti nak ulas ;)



beli je yang jual kat kedai tu. Yang tu rasanya madu asli cuma bukan lah yang ambik dalam hutan tu..



black seeds melambak dan sangatlah murahnya kat sini kan.. :D



alamak! yang tu belum buat research hahaha!!

apa kata maza yang carik info pasal tu.. huhuuu..


Abang Long,

kalau kita sayang rasul.. kita ikutlah apa yang dia buat kan.. :)


Mak Teh,

sesuai sangat untuk anak-anak kan Mak TEh makan makanan kesihatan tu...

errr... pernah dengar tak boleh tapi tak sure kenapa.. hehee.. sape lah nak bagi tahu ni. Nak buat research, malasnye.. huhuuu..


Kak Jie,

alhamdulillah.. anak-anak neeza suka minum air.. mungkin sebab kat sini kering kot..

chekgu Bani Hassim said...

apela rasa habbatus sauda tu ek??
madu tu nampak manis...
bermadu pun manis jugak kan kak?? hehe


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