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Monday, May 18, 2009


My knee hurts

My feet hurt

My thigh hurt

My back hurts

My neck is okay though..


My shoulder hurts a bit

My elbow hurts too

and my waist hurts

I can't bend. When I tried to do ruku', I only managed to bend 60 Degree. A big NO for 90 degree. It seems that every part of my body is aching. OUCH!!! I woke up this morning with pain...

Itu lah padahnya bila 5 tahun sekali aerobic sakan!!

For the first time after about 1 1/2 years stayed in Al Jubail, I went to the sports and recreational centre in Huwaylat, Al Jubail. My plan was to play futsal with my malaysian friends. I was told that the place is opened from 7am to 12pm for ladies. No male above the age of puberty (hehee..) is allowed during that hours.

Actually, the actual date for us to go there is not confirmed yet. But, as our tajweed class was cancelled, we made a quick decision to be there. Alhamdulillah, it wasn't a regrettable decision at all.

We were there at about 8.20am. Upon arrival, our bags were inspected. All cameras and handphones with camera were confiscated. I supposed it was their precaution measurement to confirm that no picture is taken. Almost everyone is without her abayat and hijab during the hour. Well, you know how sensitive most of the saudi women with camera, right. Some really banned the use of cameras while many would not take pictures without cover.

In the sport centre, they have gymnasium with complete facilities, a special room for treadmill and static bicycle, squash court, swimming pool and another huge hall for badminton, futsal, basketball and I don't know what else can it be used for ;). They have a daily aerobic session for 1 hour with a professional instructor. I'm not sure if they offer any other facilities. We can play and use everything for only 10 Riyal per entry. They provide a nursery for those who bring small kids for a fee of 5 Riyal per entry. To me, it really worth the money (kat malaysia ada ke tempat cam tu ek?? I mean, semurah itu??)

I jogged, cycled, played badminton for 5 minutes, did aerobic for an hour and played futsal. That would explain why my body is aching, I guess ;).


Abang Long said...

Ok. Nanti kita buat perlawanan persahabatan antara muslimat di Jubail dengan muslimat Selangor.

Sally said...

hehe..terkezut segala otot2 tu Neeza..keep it up..lama2 ok la tu..

Kak Elle said...

gelak saya ingat ke sakit otot tadi rupa nya bersenam....hehe

zino said...

bersukan lah anda utk negara hehe

maza said...

lima hinggit kat msia?! Jangan harap ler..

tu hari kat fitness first fitness centre, ada offer kat maza.. katanya rate yg dibagi adalah paling rendah!

kira macam sebulan RM150 shj.. tapi itu tak termasuk deposit RM5K.. aderkkkk...

pendek kata kalau teringin sangat nak main futsal, hmm main ajelah kat atas jalan raya.. ada kereta lalu berhenti, kendian sambung balik. uwakkkk

tapi apa2 hal pun, maza rindu kehidupan di kampung.. kami bebas utk bermain apa sahaja.. main bola, memancing, baling pot, rounders, rum rum reap.. huhuhu

Yummy Yum said...

wahhh...best tu..murah lagi..tak sia2 sakit otot..selamat bersenam..

:: Leeza Joe :: said...

don't u curi2 ponteng kelas 2morrow...
ok nanti kite main lagi erk... mula2 mmg sakit tp lame ckit dah jadi stamina...;)

Zahraa George said...

siannyer..kena pi berurut ker??ker dah suh big boss urut??hehee
InsyaAllah,kalau selalu bersenam,takkan sakit dah sendi-sendi tu..
Ni kes tekejut jer :)
Tunguuuuuuu hambe yer..heehe

Anonymous said...

aiseh, enchek abang taknak picit picit ghitewww kerr.. ammvoiii

Neeza Shahril said...

Abang Long,

orait.. bisa di atur tuh.. tapi kami ni ramai first timer lah heheh...



memang terkezut habis. hopefully, 2 3 kali lagi dah okay lah dia.. :)


Kak Elle,

bersenam sampai cramp muscle kak.. maklumlah setahun sekali pun payah nak bersenam ;)



oooohhhh.. itu mesti!!! hehee..



yang termurah?? kalau setakat futsal aje, idok le murah. Pulak tu deposit 5K tu.. ingat nak beli kete ke? ish ish..

takpelah maza.. kalau tak larat main atas jalan raya, main lah futsal di kolam renang atau tasik titiwangsa tu..

hidup maza!!! :P



lepas ni tak sakit dah kot.. maklumlah.. nak kurus kena pergi selalu situ ;)



nak tunggu sampai pinggang 24 hahaha!! macam mimpi di tengah panas buta ajeee.. :P



kalau berurut, lagi lah menjerit sakan akak kot. Kena tunggu dia relax kot..
oraittt.. cepat habis pantang, kita pergi ya.. :)


En me,

tak kuasa suruh che abang picit picit.. mahu berputar urat ni.. heheh..

l i e y n said...

wahhh lepni mesti kak neeza slim....

Cat Cat said...

Oh, aerobics punya hal ya... No worries Neeza... Esok lusa, sakit2 tu hilang ya... :D

Anonymous said...

Swimming pool tak ada?
jangan lupa warm up tau before exercise tu...
Bila dah selalu exercise tu...nanti ok lah
otot terkezut tu....

Mak Teh said...

Lompat Neeza, jangan tak lompat! Jangan tunggu sampai macam umur mak teh, dah tak bleh lompat dah! Sakit-sakit otot tu biasalah, sapu saja minyak panas. Hehehe!

Anonymous said...

Alaahai.... Sejak jadi blogger ni kak tie dah lama tak main.....main badminton. Dulu ada gak main dengan anak2. Tapi sekarang dah malas, lagipun rasa macam nak semput laa....

Tak pe, kak tie buat senaman jari je, he he .....

Ainur68 said...

Sekali sekala dapat bermain tak ingat dunia...bila bangun besok pagi, adula....hahaha...

Neeza Shahril said...


haah.. slim.. kalah papan sekeping.. hahahaha!!!



nanti nak pergi lagi.. tapi sakit is getting better.. :)



swimming pool ada.. tapi tak pergi jenguk.. lagipun tak bawak swimming attire pun.. :)


Mak Teh,

memang Neeza melompat sakan hari tu.. tak hengat dunia.. tapi sini takde muzik.. tak boleh kot..
takpe.. Mak Teh jalan-jalan aje pun dah okay.. :)


Kak Tie,

Kak Tie buat senaman jari dengan senaman mata ya.. bagus gak tu.. hehe..


Kak Nik,

memang pun.. sekarang menanggung sakit pulak.. nasib jugak dah okay sikit.. :)


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