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Thursday, August 13, 2009

I like, you hate

I like it, you hate it
I admire them, you feel nothing about them
I prefer it that way, you want it your way
I find it nice, you don't
I think we should do it this way, you say this way is old fashioned
I want 'em, you want to get rid of 'em
I said it's okay, you said it's not okay
I say let's go shopping, you say don't waste money

We will never agree to each other
Yet we can live together
as a husband and wife
with so many hurdles, obstacles, argument and miracle!

I guess I should say
without having disagreement with each other
Our life will be boring
The colors of our life will be only one - either black or white
These differences make our life colorful with attractive patterns..

Am I writing this with my conscious mind?
I guess not!


Sally said...

Hye Neeza,

without disagreement our life would be monotonous..flat..colourless..its ok not having to come up w a total agreement as long as there are give n take!!

Kak Elle said...

ni dah takde modal ke menunggu remover datang?...hahaha

pB said...

tok baloh , tok seri

tapi jangae hari hari baloh

sekso jiwo la pulok

jane said...

salam neeza,

suami isteri saling lengkap melengkapi. apa yang ada padamu tiada padanya. itulah yang menjadikan kita lebih sherasi!!!! kalau dah sama aje semuanya, kita melihat dia bagai bayang kitalah! x ada maknanya! haha!!

zino said...

memang sepatut nya macam tu .. baru le ujud persefahaman, ada tolak ansur, ada timbang rasa, ada yg merajuk dan memujuk, ada yg masam muka dan sebagainya, ada suka ada duka, ada segala2nya..

cuba fikir kalau semua benda OK je.. apa akan jadi.. sekejap bosan la.. cakap apa benda pun OK je hehe

cheryna zamrinor said...

kalau same sume mende...boring plak idup nanti kak neeza...kadang2 perbezaan nieh boleh memperbaiki diri kite...dan jadikan anak2 lebih kreatif! sha percaya ngan yang itu:)

maza said...

kata org, laut tanpa ombak tu namanya tasik gitew.. huhuhu\

nadinezuharra said...

Saye ngan hubby pun macam tu.. ade colour masing2.. baru terasa meriahnye.. tp kenape kite perempuan selalu nak menang yek..?heheh...

Mohd Farid said...



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