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Monday, January 4, 2010

A week left

Two weeks have passed and another week to go. The kids will start their semester after that. It'll be quiet a bit in the morning and part of the afternoon. Shahmey and Sumeyyah will be with the bibik alone. Not too good actually. Though my 2 elder kids sometimes did bully their brother and sister, I'd find it is safer when they are around. At least they can tell me if the bibik does anything improper. Nauzubillah though...

Just now, the bibik went back to her owner's house. She had been asking about it since yesterday. A few different reasons were given. First, she said she wanted to ask for her salary. Then she said, she wanted the owner to send the money to her kids. I still remember a few days ago she told me that she doesn't want to send anymore money back home. When I reminded her about that, she said about something else. She wanted to see a doctor. When I told her Abang won't be so keen to send her to the owner's house, she said never mind. She wanted to phone the owner, then. Seriously, I don't know what is in her mind. Let her be. Since my class is cancel tomorrow, I told Abang, the owner can come and pick her up. Wow!!! In a few minutes, the owner came. It was fast. When we asked him to come and send the bibik's salary, he gave thousand kinds of reasons. Auta ****** betul laaa...

This morning, I had a small party in the class. Our Ustazah wanted to have the party since we have completed 2 chapters of the book. Hahaha!! baru habis 1 chapter nak party. Asyik makan besar aje, montel la myself ;). But, as soon as she came (she was quite late), she told us the 'news'. Today was her last day. She has started teaching a grade 1 students in Tahfiz Quran in Ferdos sector. I guess it is good for her. The teaching hours is fixed - 7.30am - 1.00pm every weekdays. She has a career now. Of course, it's not good for us as we already feel comfortable with her way of teaching. A new teacher will be a mystery. We don't know how she's gonna be. Hopefully she'll be better. Biiznillah...

Talk about the food. MasyaAllah... abundant!!! We have Malaysian, British, American, Nigerian, South African, Turkish and Indian in the class. So, one can imagine the kind of food that we have. Alhamdulillah... a huge rezeki for us today.

Tomorrow will be a no-school and no-maid day for me. I'm not sure what time the owner will send her over. I'll manage, InsyaAllah. It's my house after all ;).


Tie said...

Salam Neeza,

Lama tak singgah sini. Masalah juga bibik ni. Ada susah, tak ada pun susah. Moga-moga ianya dapat diselesaikan dengan baik.

maza said...

waa.. abundant of food. huhuhu
must be full of colors too.. hehehe

mintak sikitt..boleh?!


silversarina said...

3 minggu kejap je masa berlalu, apapun , semoga kuatkan semangat menempuh hari2 mendatang InsyaAllah.

Tepi Sungai Batu said...

Semoga bersabar dalam menghadapi kerenah.......

en_me said...

vah vah vah makanann antarabangsa tewww.. ehehe

pB said...

Salam Ja

padae lar lonni jarae jarae update..
sibuk ghupo-ghupo nyer


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