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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Reward and no reward

When 2 people did the same action, one got rewarded but the other one didn't, is it fair? Of course, many people would say, it's not fair.

Kalau benda ni jadi di tempat kerja, biasanya the one who didn't get the reward will lose motivation to work. Reward is not necessarily money. Job satisfaction is a reward too. So does good treatment from the superior. Pujian pun satu reward juga.

In life, reward comes in many faces. You name it. Anything that makes you happy after performing something, is a reward. Tapi tak selalunya kita mendapat reward yang kita nak tu. Ya, kita akan rasa sedih bila apa yang kita buat tak mendapat reward sebagaimana orang lain. Tapi dalam hidup, kita tak boleh lose motivation coz' life has to go on. Hidup mesti diteruskan. Amanah Allah kita kena jaga. Biar apa pun yang kita dapat atau tak dapat, sepatutnya ia tak boleh menjadi penghalang untuk kita teruskan hidup.. Lagipun, perasan sedih, kecewa, suka, duka dan gembira tu hanyalah sementara. Bila sesuatu perkara baru datang, perasaan tu akan bertukar. InsyaAllah...

Being said that, I feel happy! Alhamdulillah.. it looks like having a blog is a reward to me :)


Anonymous said...

Betul tu Neeza.

Reward tu ada dalam banyak bentuk. Contohnya bila tengok anak-anak kita berjaya atau sekurang-kurangnya sihat, ceria dan dalam keadaan selamat.

maza said...

having you is also a reward to me... hehehe

salam neeza..
yg baik2 sahaja...

Sally said...


all depends on our own perception. The best reward indeed the one that comes from Allah s.w.t..

Family Memoirs said...

Salam Neeza.

True! Reward can definitely comes in the form of job satisfaction, because I just experienced that. Many people thought I left the old office for monetary reward but they were and are still wrong! Alhamdulillah I love my new place.

P/s. Good to see you active in writing again. I seriously think that online games are the worst time thieves!

elisataufik said...

You know Allah will ALWAYS reward you, no matter what. So worldly rewards doesnt really matter :)

KakNi said...

Pd sy senang jer, ada hikmah di sebaliknya, probably reward yg lbh bsr dari yg kwn kita tu dpt... think +ve and always redha... wassalam..

Neeza Shahril said...

Kak Tie,

setuju tu Kak.. reward yang itulah yang paling semua parents nak rasanya kan..



oowwhh!!! I'm so touched.. :) hehee..
salam... :)



definitely dear! reward tu kita tak nampak sometimes.. tapi kita akan nampak juga nanti.. InsyaAllah..


Kak M,

I knew the reason... and I'm sure that's one of the best reward you get in your life kan.. I'm happy for you my sister!

agree! online games are the worst time thieves!



indeed.. if I really think about it, I should't care about this worldly reward kan.. Allah will give the best rewards that no one can ever imagine.. InsyaAllah..



yup... by right, we have to think positive always.. cuma ada times, the syaitan is so evil.. corrupt our mind..


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