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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lip blisters

I've heard about it before but never know what it was. This morning, upon having a few days of some kind of illness on my lower lip, it strucked me, it could be lip blisters. I g00gled for lip blisters and was so d*mn happy to know it is indeed lip blisters that I'm suffering (ada ke orang suka dapat sakit ish ish...).

The article about it can be read here. My lip is almost healed without applying those medication mentioned. But, it is still so really painful (macam kena mata ikan tu). So, before reading the article, I'd become a doctor to myself. I went to the kitchen, took a few pieces of table salt, went back to the room, looked at the mirror and carefully 'arranged' those salt on my lip. Adush!!! sakit banget tapi tahan je. Lama jugak pedih tu. Tapi after a while... and now... no more pain. The pain has gone! Bravo to my table salt!! hahahahaha!!! errr.. I should say Alhamdulillah.. it's Allah who cures :).

I suspected, my lip is blistered due to my food intake. Well, I never care the kind of food that goes to my tummy until recently, when I realize that I'm getting older uhukss.. I'm a sinus sufferer for quite some time. It was pretty bad when I was teenager but Alhamdulillah, it is lessen now. Still, the germ (can we say sinus germ? you tell me ;)), is in me. So, whenever salah makan, akan rasa lah itchiness here and there on my skin walaupun tak severe.

Moral of the story is, kalau umur dah banyak tu, makan tu pantang lah sikit. Jangan semua nak dibedal.. hehehe.. (mesti ada orang gelak baca ni.. takpe, gelak la.. huhuu.. memang betul pun..)


pB said...

sakit sikit jah tuuuu

nj said...

sapu butter pun okay gak...tak pedih sangat. Kena minum air banyak...cuaca kering ni.

Anonymous said...


Kak tie pun dah lanjut ni, tapi macam payah je nak pantang2... makan je ikut suka.

Bibir kering ke tu ? kena banyak minum air masak...

noniey said...

hehehehe.. saya tak sanggup nak letak garam.. setakat ni guna medijel je kalau kena ulser.. tu pun letak banyak kali dah.. still lama gak nak baik. tensi..

silversarina said...

Sure sakit bila letak garam , boleh ikut cara Neeza kalau terkan lip blisters.

Minum air banyak2 tau dan sapu vaseline petrolium jelly kat bibir .

Kujie said...

Petua kak jie letak asam keping, secubit kecil je....letak dlm 2-3 minit..lepas tu hilang...tapi masa letak tu pedihlah kejap

Mulan said...

garam mmg power.. tapi makin tua makin berselera la..

Ainur68 said...

Bukan ker sama jer ngan yang selalu duduk dalam mulut tu? Orang kita kata mata ikan. Betul ke? Apa2 pun adula...pedihnyer!

Neeza Shahril said...

Kak Pb,

heheh... ngado2 lebih dih ;)



ada gak dengar cam tu.. memang sebab kering jugak.. minum ice banyak ;)


Kak Tie,

kering saja takpe.. ada blister.. memula gatal.. pas tu bengkak..



akak tahan garam sebab sakit dia sekejap.. tak larat nak sakit lama2..


Kak Rina,

memang hari2 neeza sapu petroleum jelly tu.. tapi blister ni sebab neeza salah makan rasanya..


Kak Jie,

effect dia mungkin sama dengan garam.. tapi mungkin lebih pedih sebab dia ada kuasa meresap hehe..



tu la pasal.. perut ni cakap nak je pada semua benda.. camne lah tu kan heheh..


Kak Nik,

mata ikan dalam mulut, ni atas bibir.. dia bengkak dan gatal.. lepas tu dia pecah.. masa tu yang pedih tu..

Anonymous said...

nak kena sup lidah tewww.. ihiks

Neeza Shahril said...

En me,

ish.. neeza tak makan sup lidah.. :D

Abang Long said...

Pantang makan V Pantang jumpa makan

Nurul Nadiah said...

macam penyakit bibir nadia je
tapi nadianye lagi terok
siap kering2
jadik itam




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