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Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Yesterday afternoon, I was poked by 'him'. I could hear 'his' voice. I woke up almost instantly. I opened my eyes, realizing that he has gone to work for more than an hour ago. My heart beat fast. I looked around. Who actually poked me just now? My 2 little kids were sleeping soundly. I saw my eldest in front of the lappie. I asked her whether she was the one who poked me. She denied. My heart beat even faster.

I picked up the phone and rang him. There was no coverage. I pretend to be calm but I failed. I rang again. Still, there was no coverage. I prayed and asked for the best from Him. After a while, I rang him again. He answered. Alhamdulillah, at least could listen to his voice though he was in a midst of something.

I sit down and thought back of 'the experience' I went through. Why did it happen the way it was? Did Someone tried to tell me something? Oh Dear... I was scared thinking of the worst situation. I remember story about similar experience by him. It made me really worried.

Filling myself with prayer, I waited till evening. I rang him again. He was on the way back. Alhamdulillah, I could still listen to his voice. I looked at the clock. The time seem to move like a snail. When it reached 4, I rang him agaim. He was nearby. Alhamdulillah. But, my nervousness didn't stop until I saw him. When I heard ding! dong! on the door, I felt relief... at least for the moment.

He stood by the door. Though I showed no smile on my lips, I thank to Allah for his safe journey back home. I silently prayed for many others (also all) safe journey for him, where ever he will be. Dear God, if you wanna take him or them, please take me before. I couldn't imagine myself without him or them. You're the Most benefient and merciful. Ameen...

Note to the readers:

I don't expect anyone to understand the above coz' it is meant for me, myself and I. No one else. Comments are welcome but I appreciate for no question ask. Thank you.


Abang Long said...




Tepi Sungai Batu said...

Pak Man cuma baca dan angguk-angguk.....tak ada komen.

Nurul Nadiah said...

Nadia baca pun berdebar2. Alhamdulillah takdak apa2 =)

Anonymous said...

sweetnyerr akak neeza tunggu suami balik tewww..

Anonymous said...

Oh...kita sebagai wanita ni kekadang ada sesuatu kelebihan. Tu yang takut.

Kak tie pernah rasa berdebar2 dan risau sangat.. dalam hati sentiasa berdoa agar orang yang kita sayang sentiasa selamat.

Syukurlah tiada apa2 yang tidak diingini berlaku.

maza said...

DUIT.. huhuu ingatlah lah DUIT

1) Doa
2) Usaha
3) Ikhtiar, Iman dan Sabar
4) Tawakal.



Kujie said...

macam tu lahhhhhhhhh neeza. Kadang-kdang lintasan hati tu sgt mendebarkan.

Apalagi bila si dia tu memang kerja di luar, bukan kat office...

l i e y n said...

saya paham cerita ni, tapi saya memang tak paham apa yg berlaku sebelum ni...
saspen le baca ni...

cheryna zamrinor said...


sha ingat kak neeza main superpoke tadi...ehehe...takdelah, gurau je...

ape2 tak rugi bile risau...tanda sayang tuh!:)

:: Leeza Joe :: said...

x nak komen laaa...cuma nak kate ;;

p/s...klu akak nk kasi pnjam cili kering blh tak bwk kt umah kak norma esk...hheheheehhe....;)

Neeza Shahril said...

Abang Long,

terima kasih.. :)


Pak Man,

bagus pak man.. hehehe..



Alhamdulillah.. tapi perlu sentiasa berdoa.. :)


En Me,

kat sini memang kena tunggu.. sebab pompuan duduk rumah :P


kak Tie,

memang takut kan mengenangkan perkara yang tak diingini.. takut sesangat.. kita kena selalu mohon supaya semuanya baik baik saja..



terkojut den.. duit pulak! hahahaha!!! kalau DUIT tu.. faham.. thanks ya..


Kak Jie,

kalau kat office pun kita risau.. ini pulak kat luar kan kak Jie..



takde apa berlaku sebelum ni.. cuma akak dikejutkan dengan 1 tanda yang akak sangat takut..



superpoke tu kat fb je.. hehehee...
takut jugak gak walaupun takde apa apa..



hahaha!! bagusssss...

cili kering memang ingat nak bawak esok.. InsyaAllah.. harap2 tak lupa laaaa...

Umi Kalthum Ngah said...

Assalamualaikum Neeza,

Lintasan hati itu adalah anugerah daripada Allah...

Moga terus-terusan keluarga dalam perlindungan Allah swt.... Amin

maklang said...

semoga sudah tenang ye...

noniey said...

samalah dengan saya.. tak sanggup pk bila dia tiada.. selalu berdoa sehidup semati..

Neeza Shahril said...

Kak Umi,

terima kasih kak..






pengalaman kawan-kawan buatkan kita takut kan..


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